Regardless of other doctrinal views many often disagree upon such as speaking in tongues, laying on of hands, water baptism, music, styles of worship and the list goes on and on. We believe in the entire bible and practice these doctrines set forth according to the living word of God. However; doctrinal views have divided the body of Christ for too long, it is now time we come together on what we are sure of, and we should come to together on these truths that "Jesus is the Son of God, the Father, Son & Holy Spirit are one and we are many members yet one body in Christ." We believe its all about HIM (Jesus) and this is our Non-Denominational view.
We are honored to be a part New Destiny Christian Center and Destiny International Ministerial Alliance under the covering of our Pastors Bishop Jessie and Dr. Halene Giddens of Victorville, CA